For every dollar, pound or euro donated to projects, over 95%+ goes to the projects. Visit our Audit reports page here.

Tax Deductions

All methods of donating on our website are Tax Deductible, except donations made to help missionaries with their personal expenses. These gifts are only made through the identifying “Rev Themi & Friends Trust” wording.
Paradise 4 Kids operates under “Paradise 4 Kids Inc” incorporated in the United States, an approved Tax Deductible Charity under the IRS.

Click here for our Registrations & Certifications.

United States of America

Paradise 4 Kids Inc has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a Tax-Exempt Charitable Organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Department of The Treasury acknowledged our status on Dec 11, 2013, effective from March 22, 2012.

Summary Audit letters: 2017201820192020| 2021| 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |

Search Paradise 4 Kids Inc  for Full Financials here – IRS website.


Tax Deductibility

Since 1997 Health and Development Aid Abroad – Australia Fund Inc, also known as HADA, has been funding projects in over 20 developing countries offering medical care, orphanages and education to the poorest of the poor.

HADA is registered as a Queensland Charity #1273 and also with Australian Charities and Non Profits Commission.  ABN number 43 739 862 351.

100% of all funds received for projects go in their entirety except for bank fees. With a 5 Star history and a financial reputation of accountability and transparency, it was only natural that “Paradise 4 Kids” link with HADA and work together to further education for children in developing countries.

P4K, will use all raised funds to help children receive an education, offer scholarships to higher education and help the poor & disadvantaged with every cent donated.

Summary Audit letters: 20172018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |

Full Financials can be viewed on the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commissions website.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, on the 24 November 2017 we received from The Charity Commission for England and Wales our Registered Charity Number 1175916, while on 19 January 2018 we received our Gift Aid reference #EW86484.

Gift Aid allows individuals who are subject to UK income tax to complete a simple, short declaration that they are a UK taxpayer. Any cash donations that the taxpayer makes to the charity after making a declaration are treated as being made after deduction of income tax at the basic rate (20% in 2011), and the charity can reclaim the basic rate income tax paid on the gift from HMRC.

For a basic-rate taxpayer, this adds approximately 25% to the value of any gift made under Gift Aid. Higher-rate taxpayers can claim income tax relief, above and beyond the amount claimed directly by the charities. The rate of the relief for higher-rate taxpayers in 2011 is usually 20%, the difference between the basic rate (20%) and the higher rate (40%) of income tax, although recipients of dividend income (taxed at 10% and 32.5%) can achieve a higher rate of tax relief (22.5%).

Summary Budget letters: 2021 Budget | 2023 Budget

European Union

In the European Union approved Grants are issued as directed by the member State of the EU the REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS. Tax deductions rules and regulations for EU Member States and regulations vary from Member State to Member State, please check with your adviser Paradise 4 Kids Certificate – Αρ. Μητρώου ΛΑΡ/I/3

Summary Audit letters: Not applicable to date.

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